Vermont Occupational Therapy Association

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Employment opportunities 

are offered to VOTA members


Advertise your open occupational therapy positions

on our website.

For $150.00 we will post your open positions and include space for a logo, for 90 days on our website. This includes one email blast to all members, and social media posting (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook). The job posting will be in our next newsletter.
To have your advertisement included in our newsletter you must submit within 15 days of the deadlines below.

March 21st (For April 2024)
June 20th (For July 2024)
September 19th (For Oct 2024)
December 19th (For Jan 2025)


Please contact for more information.

Payment can be made by Purchase Order and Check sent to:

Vermont Occupational Therapy Association, PO Box 925, Richmond, Vermont 05477 

NEW!!!  Or use our link below to make an online payment via Credit Card:

The UVM Center on Disability & Community Inclusion (CDCI) is hiring an Occupational Therapist.

This occupational therapist job is with the Vermont Interdisciplinary Team, or I-Team. The Vermont I-Team is a grant funded project.

The occupational therapist we are hiring will:

  • provide training and information on how to improve school services for students with complex medical needs.
  • provide this training to teams of families and educators. 

We are looking for someone who:

  • Has a Vermont license to practice occupational therapy.
  • Has experience providing occupational therapy to children with disabilities (ages birth to 22), and
  • Has experience providing occupational therapy in schools.

The job can have a hybrid work schedule. This means sometimes this occupational therapist would work at home, and sometimes they would work in the CDCI offices. The CDCI offices are on the UVM campus, in Burlington, Vermont. But this occupational therapist will also need to travel around Vermont to work in different Vermont schools.

This job is for 10 months out of the year. This occupational therapist will not work in July and August.

The salary for this position will be between $70,000 and $85,000 each year. 

People with disabilities and people from other traditionally marginalized groups are encouraged to apply. 

Find more information and apply, over at the UVM Jobs website. The job posting is S5065PO, listed as an "Outreach Professional".

          Vermont Occupational Therapy Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. |VOTA PO Box 925 Richmond, VT 05477

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